Juniper Smudge Stick

Sale price£3.95

100% natural Juniper smudge stick, non-toxic, handcrafted in Mexico.

Its herbal aroma with citrusy notes is what you need to start a morning full of positive vibes.


Juniper Smudge is highly valued for its ability to awaken our spirit and drive away negative thoughts.

Also famous for helping to connect with your intuition.

This beautiful bundle is considered the greatest protector of spiritual energy and a propellant of harmony and serenity to our soul.

About smudging:

Smudge sticks or Smudge bundles are all-natural ceremonial incenses, traditionally burned in Native American rituals such as sweat lodges. Increasingly, also Western therapists and body workers are discovering the beneficial aspects of these herbs. Smudging is one of the means by which people around the globe are reconnecting with the power of Mother Nature. The use of plant and resin smoke possibly evolved out of the primordial campfires from distant caves. The ceremony of cleansing people, places and objects through smoke is continued to this day.

To apply the protective cleansing power of smudging, a bundle of leaves or resin is heated to produce smoke that is brushed over the person or object, often with a feather fan. Some plants are known to have specific healing properties while others have more generic powers.

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