
Spiritual Readings.

Spiritual Readings.

Spiritual readings encompass a variety of methods used to gain insight, guidance, or clarity on personal or spiritual matters.  Each type of spiritual reading has its own tools, strengths and weaknesses, and individuals may resonate more with certain methods based on their beliefs, preferences, and experiences. 

Readings to connect with people who have passed on will generally include the word Medium or spirit in their titles - all other forms generally tend to be more for divination, fortune telling or prediction (the same things under three different labels). 

Please note that due to current laws/regulations we have to say that all readings are done for entertainment purposes only and that you should seek and professional advice regarding any situations or outcomes which you are considering from professionals in their fields.  You should take all advice or information provided in a reading as a snapshot of the future - not written in stone!  You and people around you have free will and can make decisions or choices to change outcomes or events. For example, if you are told you can meet a new partner if you socialise in December but don’t go to any events - how is it supposed to come true??? 

  1. Mediumship:

Overview: Mediumship involves communicating with spirits of the deceased to provide messages, guidance, or closure to the living.

Strengths: Offers direct communication with departed loved ones, providing comfort and closure. Can provide specific and personal messages direct from loved ones.

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary and can be subjective. Accuracy may depend on the medium's ability to interpret messages accurately, depending upon their style of reading - in general clairaudient mediums can give more specific names and dates than clairvoyant only (remember most have a certain aspect of all - so don’t let labels stop you from trying!).

  1. Tarot:

Overview: Tarot readings use a deck of cards with a very specific structure and symbolic imagery to gain insight into past, present, and future events or emotions.

Strengths: Versatile and can address a wide range of questions or concerns. Encourages introspection and self-reflection, as well as giving insights into present situations and future events. Structured so that almost anyone can learn to read them with time and practice

Weaknesses: Interpretations can be subjective and vary between readers, depending upon how much they rely on the cards "meaning" and their own intuitive interpretation. Some may find the imagery or symbolism difficult to interpret.

  1. Runes:

Overview: Runes are ancient alphabetic symbols from the Scandinavian countries which were originally a language, and are now used in divination. Readings involve selecting runes and interpreting their meanings as well as how they fall in relation to each other.

Strengths: Provides concise and direct answers. Encourages focus and clarity. Can give good interpretations of timelines and events

Weaknesses: Interpretations may require a deep understanding of runic symbolism to learn, but once learnt give multi layered depths to every reading. Limited to the experience and learning of the rune reader

  1. Numerology:

Overview: Numerology examines the mystical significance of numbers in relation to personality traits, life events, and relationships.  There are two main styles used - Indian (Vedic) and Western Numerology - both give similar results

Strengths: Offers insights into personality traits, life paths, and compatibility. Can provide guidance on timing and decision-making, as well as best opportunities and high and low forecasting for forward planning. Combines well with other reading styles

Weaknesses: Interpretations may feel vague or abstract if the person interpreting it is not very experienced. Requires a thorough understanding of numerological principles, but once grasped can give huge insights into your life and personality - as well as good and bad timings in your life. 

  1. Oghams:

Overview: Oghams are ancient Celtic symbols carved into wood or stone which represent different trees as used or known to the ancient Celts which represent different energies or aspects of life. Readings involve interpreting the meanings of specific Oghams drawn or chosen and then cast or laid out together.

Strengths: Connects with Celtic spirituality and nature-based wisdom. Provides insights into specific aspects of life or situations.

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary based on individual understanding of Oghams symbolism. Limited availability of resources compared to other systems and most interpretations are based on modern systems as very little was written about them originally.

  1. Astrology:

Overview: Astrology examines the positions and movements of celestial bodies to understand personality traits, life events, and relationships.  It uses the underlying belief that certain traits or habits are imprinted as a blue print at the time of our birth - which may or not present themselves - which will affect us based on current planetary movements and events

Strengths: Offers detailed insights into personality, tendencies, and life events. Can provide guidance on timing and decision-making.

Weaknesses: Requires accurate birth data for precise readings (within 3 hours of birth is the furthest out for a really complete chart). Interpretations may vary, and complexities can be overwhelming for beginners if learning it themselves.

  1. Crystal Readings:

Overview: Crystal readings involve using crystals or gemstones to gain insight into people’s lives and habits, promote healing, or enhance spiritual awareness. They can also be used to look into the strengths and weakness in your life at present and help you to focus on changes which need to be made

Strengths: Can be very adaptable and used in a variety of different ways for different styles of reading or healing

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary based on individual beliefs or associations with specific crystals.

  1. Palmistry:

Overview: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, analyzes the lines, shapes, and mounts on the palms to reveal personality traits, talents, and potential life events.

Strengths: Provides insights into personality and potential life paths. Offers tangible and personal connection during readings. Combines well with other reading styles

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary between practitioners. Limited to the information present on the palms. Good for overview of life - but not always useful for specific events in the present

  1. Charm Readings:

Overview: Charm readings involve casting or interpreting charms, amulets, or symbolic objects to gain insight or guidance in the present and the future.

Strengths: Offers a tactile and personalized approach to divination. Can be tailored to specific questions or concerns.

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary based on individual associations or meanings assigned to charms.

  1. Ribbon Readings:

Overview: Ribbon readings involve interpreting the colours, patterns, or symbols on ribbons to gain insight into personal or spiritual matters.  It is often taught as a method of learning mediumship in the Spiritualist Churches (not all people who ribbon read can do mediumship though)

Strengths: Offers a visual and symbolic approach to divination. Can provide insights into emotions or energies. Can help people to find connections to spirits of people who have passed over

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary based on individual associations or meanings assigned to colours and patterns.

  1. Oracle Cards:

Overview: Oracle cards are decks of cards with images or words designed to provide guidance, inspiration, or insight into various aspects of life. Each deck is generally designed around a specific theme or idea.  They do not have the fixed structure of Tarot and often have simple keywords or phrases upon them to guide the reading

Strengths: Versatile and easy to use for beginners. Can offer direct and concise guidance on specific questions or concerns and generally are positive focused

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary between decks and readers. Some may find the imagery or messages less structured compared to tarot. They often do not focus on negatives in life - so may miss interpreting difficult times or problems with specific information

  1. Scrying:

Overview: Scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as water, mirrors, or crystal balls, to receive visions or insights.

Strengths: Encourages intuitive and subconscious insights. Can provide symbolic or metaphorical messages. Can be used for divination or mediumship if the reader has the abilities in those areas

Weaknesses: Interpretations may be subjective and require practice to develop proficiency - may seem very disjointed and not as flowing as other forms of reading.  Readings may also come across as more abstract than specific. 

  1. Crystal Ball Readings:

Overview: Crystal ball readings involve gazing into a crystal ball to receive insights, visions, or symbols related to personal or spiritual matters. It can be used for either divination or mediumship if the reader works those ways

Strengths: Offers a traditional and mystical approach to divination. Encourages intuitive and subconscious insights. Generally involves no questions from the client and just the reader telling them what they think or feel

Weaknesses: Interpretations may vary based on individual intuition and symbolism. Requires practice to develop proficiency in reading the crystal ball. Readings may not focus on what you wish to hear about but the area of life that the reader feels pulled to was needing most development.

Book an appointment here.

Written by Dave Green.

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